Delegation of Authority

Grant another person permission to manage aspects of your membership.

Delegation of Authority (DoA) can be granted by the policyholder and authorises another adult to discuss and manage aspects of the membership on their behalf, including matters relating to Health Partners Dental and Optical.

Delegation of Authority is provided to the partner/spouse of the policyholder automatically on joining (this can be revoked by the policyholder at any time), however, they are free to elect anyone over the age of 18 for DoA, even if they are not listed on the membership.

What authorisation allows:

A Delegation of Authority allows the nominated person to make changes to, or enquiries about, the membership, including:

  • Personal details (e.g. address, phone number)
  • Level of cover
  • Payment method
  • Adding or removing a dependant
  • Submitting claims on behalf of any person on the membership
  • Accessing claims histories – which could include personal health information such as medical details (unless otherwise advised).
  • General information regarding the membership, including items relating to Health Partners Dental or Optical.

This authorisation does not allow the nominated person to:

  • Cancel the membership
  • Change the status of the policyholder
  • Nominate further delegated authorities
  • Access or change passwords for the policyholder’s Health Partners app or portal account.

You can change, update or remove Delegation of Authority anytime by contacting us on 1300 113 113 or by filling out and returning the Delegation of Authority form.

Power of Attorney

An Enduring Power of Attorney is a legal document where you appoint a person of your choice to manage your assets and financial affairs if you are unable to do so due to illness, an accident or your absence.

A medical Power of Attorney allows you to appoint someone to make decisions about your medical treatment if you become mentally or physically incapable of deciding for yourself. [Source:]

In terms of Private Health Insurance memberships, the difference between someone with Delegation of Authority and someone with Power of Attorney is that the latter can also:

  • Cancel the membership
  • Change the status of the policyholder
  • Operate the policyholder’s Health Partners app or portal account.

A policyholder can advise us of their appointed Power of Attorney – or that person can contact Health Partners directly – by providing the appropriate documentation confirming their status.

Submitting an update

Simple updates can be made over the phone - call 1300 113 113.

You can download forms here and submit online via the contact page or in-person at one of our front-counters.

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