In response to member feedback, from 1 October 2023, you can keep your dependants on your policy up until their 32nd birthday. It’s just one of the ways we are doing health right by you and your family.

There are some terms and conditions that apply – find out about our new Extended Age.

Change your cover

To add or remove an adult or to change your level of cover, contact us for a cover review.

Updating contact details

Any member can update their own contact details using the Health Partners app or portal. To update contact details for other people on your policy, call us on 1300 113 113 or chat with us online.

Adding a newborn

You have enough on your plate with a newborn at home, so we make organising their health insurance as simple as possible.

You can add a newborn to your membership for immediate cover and no waiting periods when added within 60 days of birth. You or a partner/spouse with Delegation of Authority on the membership can do this by calling us on 1300 113 113, or you can complete and send us a Membership application form.

Information on adding an adopted or fostered child can be found in the Member Guide.

Register a Student Dependant

Students aged 21 to 31 inclusive can remain covered under an existing family membership while undertaking a full-time study workload through a school, college, TAFE or university.

You must register student dependants as soon as they turn 21 and again in the new student year (starting 1 March annually) to ensure continuity of cover.

The Student Dependant Registration Form is to be completed by the policyholder for each student year commencing 1 March for all student dependants included under the family membership.

Registration is to be renewed annually before 1 March. Please inform Health Partners immediately of any changes in the student dependant’s circumstances.

Submitting an update

Most simple updates can be made in Members Online. For cover product and other changes, phone 1300 113 113 or chat with us online.

You can download forms here and submit online via the contact page or in-person at one of our front-counters.

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Health Partners is committed to providing quality and affordable health care, and we value our members and our obligation to protect your privacy. As part of our responsibility in protecting your privacy, from time to time we review our policies to ensure we are meeting our obligations. We have recently made some updates to our Privacy Policy. Please click here to view the Health Partners Privacy Policy.

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